February 10, 2013

Caring for Oily Hair

Having greasy hair it felt cumbersome. Hair sticky so fast, so we did not look fresh appearance. Generally the solution taken is to wash it every day so that the back volume.

Here are some tips in dealing with oily hair:
  • Do not wash every day. The cleaner the hair, the easier it is absorbed into the oil in the hair shaft, making it difficult to clean. Make sure you wash your hair thoroughly so that the dirt and residue can be lifted completely.
  • Use a ph-balanced mild shampoo and conditioner as much as possible avoid the use of pad the base of the hair. Put the conditioner only at the center and ends of your hair.
  • Avoid eating oily and fatty foods in the daily diet, instead multiply the consumption of vegetables.
  • Maybe it's time we change the shampoo. Consult the hairdresser, what he recommended. As much as possible avoid the product for hair shine, two-in-one shampoo and frizz serum.

July 25, 2010

Arthritis Cure : How To Get Rid Of The Pain Fast?

Is arthritis something that has been affecting your life for years? Have you tried almost everything to help get rid of it? Well if you want to learn how you can get rid of that joint pain fast then you should keep reading. There are many things you can do that can help you relieve that arthritis pain fast.

The first thing you should begin doing is eating right. There are certain foods out there that you should be eating. And there are some that you should not be eating. And this is something that most sufferers get confused with. But the only foods you should really be staying away from are things that are high in fats and sugars. They are what will cause you the most pain and frustration. They also have the potential of swelling up your joints. What you should be eating are things like whole grains, green vegetables, lean meats, low fat dairy and plenty of Omega 3. Omega 3 is a great way in which you can easily help get rid of that awful joint pain.

Another thing you can do which can help you get rid of that joint pain is to get a little active. Going for short walks, jogs or even doing yoga are great examples. They can easily help you get the results that you are looking for. Getting a little active is a proven way that will help eliminate that joint pain.

June 25, 2010

Fish Oil For Triglycerides Are Important For Your Health

Are you aware that triglycerides are an important measure of heart health? Multiple clinical studies have been done proving that using fish oil for triglycerides when levels were too high was very effective in lowering those numbers. Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) is considered normal and 150-199 mg/dl is borderline high.

Don't let the long word scare you off from learning more. They are simply a type of fat found in your blood. Your body converts the food you eat that it doesn't need right away into these fats. Then when needed, hormones deliver them as energy between meals. Problems arise when excessive amounts thicken artery walls. These fatty particles can interfere with the heart muscle and even stop blood flow to parts of the brain. High numbers are often an indication of other disorders such as obesity, uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Excessive levels can also be a side effect of certain medications like birth control pills, beta blockers, and the breast cancer drug tamoxifen.

Most people can decrease their risks with just a few lifestyle modifications. Three most important changes to be made include diet, exercise, and weight loss. As far as exercise is concerned, you only need to devote thirty minutes a day to an aerobic type workout such as stair climbing, swimming, bicycling, or brisk walking. Some vital diet changes include making meals with whole grains, salads, vegetables, and cold-water fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and herring which have the type of fish oil for triglycerides lowering outcomes. If you are overweight try for a 10% loss of your body weight and by dropping those few pounds you will see significant progress in getting those levels into a healthy range.

The basic ingredient that is so helpful in fish oil for triglycerides is that it is comprised of omega-3 fatty acids. Research has shown that these essential fatty acids can decrease the levels, lower blood pressure slightly, and reduce the growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque. Because of these findings, the American Heart Association recommends that 2 to 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in capsule form be taken by patients who need to lower their triglycerides. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered one of the 'good fats' so important for heart and metabolic health. It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor to decide together on the correct amount to be taken for your specific situation.

June 21, 2010

High Blood Pressure

Stress has been identified as one of the factors that cause high blood pressure. Unfortunately, there are several sources of stress. It can be work or relationships related. Environmental conditions and certain situations are also major contributors to stress. Examples are going through job interviews or confronting someone. In some cases, people with normal blood pressure become hypertensive upon entering a physicians office. This occurrence is generally referred to as white coat high blood pressure or simply white coat hypertension. It is interesting to note that patients with this type of hypertension do not have or experience elevated blood pressure whenever at home or in other places except in the physicians office.

It is generally a temporary and treatable condition. And most of the time medications are not necessary since the root cause is psychological. Recovering spontaneously is possible as the patient deals and manages the anxiety induced by clinical visits. Some patients are able to overcome it after three visits to the doctor. Some people however need more time to recover and are usually under observation until the doctor deems it necessary to proceed with other treatment methods. Time is an important consideration when verifying the actual condition of the patient.

Initially, it can be difficult to tell if someone has white coat hypertension since the average blood pressure readings are irregular. Monitoring of blood pressure is therefore a critical step in determining the health condition of the patient. As the person becomes more accustomed to having his/her blood pressure checked in the clinic, the hypertension eventually subsides. For severe cases however, the patient is advised to continue monitoring his/her blood pressure at home for a certain period (usually about one to two weeks). Ambulatory monitoring for twenty four hours may also be recommended by the doctor as there are studies claiming that this type of blood pressure monitoring is more efficient in detecting patients with white coat hypertension.

The nature of this type of hypertension may imply that it does not increase the risk of having other complications related to the heart, kidney and brain. But it is not the case. Mild forms of hypertension develop into severe forms if neglected. Some information sources have reported that individuals with white coat hypertension are most likely to develop persistent hypertension in the future; are prone to stroke; and may experience cardiovascular irregularities. Hypertension after all is generally considered a silent killer. Causes and health effects are continuously being studied at present to increase better understanding of this condition.

In any case, prevention is still the best defense against any type of disease. Information on the causes and factors that may induce hypertension can aid in this life-long battle. Learning stress management techniques and adapting a healthier lifestyle will significantly reduce an individuals risk of having a disease. Staying healthy for the sake of avoiding diseases may be a boring excuse to be fit. Perhaps it would also be helpful to reassess ones outlook or perception of living. Being healthy could also mean being able to accomplish a lot regardless of age.

June 13, 2010

In What Ways Are Diabetes And Gout Related?

It may sound strange but their is a cause and effect relationship that exists between gout and diabetes. To understand how this work, it is a good idea to firstly know how each illness works separately, then the connection between the two can become more apparent.

Gout is another type of arthritis marked by pain, inflammation, and swelling. It comes about when the kidneys can not eliminate the build up uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is the end product of the metabolism or breakdown of purines, that if not properly eliminated from the body, results in the build up of uric acid, causing gout.

With elevated levels of uric acid (hyperuricemia) come the formation of urate crystals that deposit and settle in the joints of the body, resulting in the pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with gout. Therefore, it is possible that having diabetes can be a cause for gout to develop.

How can diabetes have a role in this?

One of the side effects of diabetes is poor circulation. When your kidneys are not getting the nutrients and oxygen they need, they will function at a level well below their best. This reduces their efficiency at removing uric acid.

Diabetes is an autoimmune disease, marked by insufficient amount of insulin in the body. Insulin is produced and secreted by the pancreas in response to elevated levels of sugar in the blood.

Complications surrounding diabetes can be related to the circulatory system. This reduces the ability to eliminate uric acid and explains how this cause and effect relationship can exist.

This does not mean that if you have diabetes that you will develop gout, and vice versa. It is the proper management of both conditions that can prevent complications from developing.


Preventing diabetes involves managing your blood sugar levels, and taking insulin if it has been prescribed. Many tens of thousands of people successfully live with diabetes.

Avoiding future gout attacks:

After your first gout attack has resolved, there usually is no treatment. However, if your symptoms return, then your physician will prescribe prophylactic medications to prevent further attacks. These medications act to reduce blood uric acid levels in the blood, which will decrease the chances of another attack.

Exercise and diet:

If you suffer from gout, following a healthy lifestyle can help lower the risk of developing diabetes. Exercise regularly, avoid excessive weight gain and eat a diet full of good nutrition.

May 28, 2010

Gout Cure

Arthritis is a very common problem which causes people a lot of pain. And the worst thing about it is it can be difficult to get rid of. And most people believe it is not curable. But there actually are things you can do at home which will greatly help you get rid of that awful joint pain. And if you are finding it difficult to move around then you most likely have a form of arthritis known as gout. And the following tips will help you relieve that pain for good.
  1. Eat better. If you want to get rid of that awful gout pain then you need to choose your foods wisely. Things like alcohol, dairy and high fat foods are the worst. They are what will cause you that gout to make things worse. What you need to do is begin eating things that will help you get rid of that joint pain. And things like whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables and low fat dairy products are perfect. They are what will greatly help you get rid of that awful joint pain fast.
  2. Get exercise. You may want to start getting some physical activity into your weekly schedule if you wish to get rid of that arthritis pain. Things as simple as walking or jogging are great. They will help you get those fast results that you have been searching for.
So if you no longer wish to have to suffer from gout then you need to follow these tips. They will help you effectively get those results that you have been looking for.

May 26, 2010

Take Advantage Of Your Puberty Years To Get Taller

In an effort to increase height for emergency situations or maybe to correct leg length discrepancies, surgery can be performed. The idea is to break the bone in the leg and insert plates in the gap to make up the length difference. The technique can be painful and take considerable time to heal. This is something that is not recommended for someone that just wants to get taller.

During your puberty years is the best time to take advantage of your hormones and growth to make yourself taller. It is at this time that your growth hormones are at their greatest and what you do during puberty will have a great affect on how you develop. Things to consider are your diet and how much exercise you get.

What you eat is very important not only during puberty but through out your life. If you are not feeding yourself what your body needs to grow and rebuild itself, you will be shortchanging yourself. Those that don't get enough to eat during their puberty years could have their growth curtailed or stunted altogether. These early years are when you have the best chance to reach your height potential so you do not want to interfere with it.

Getting plenty of exercise when young can help release the growth hormones that will help you gain more size. The kids that don't get outside to run around and play are missing out on some important elements in their growth. Vigorous exercise will release the hormones that the body needs.

Caring for Oily Hair

Having greasy hair it felt cumbersome. Hair sticky so fast, so we did not look fresh appearance. Generally the solution taken is to wa...